Executive Headshots
Samples of executive headshots captured in our studio or at client’s London locations.
Above is a classic style of executive headshot with a soft diffused side light and a reflector thinning any shadow.
Framing is tight and white web friendly background makes this headshot usable in any media.
The above is an executive headshot with a wider crop and a London City background. The stance is less formal and this gives a portrait feel to the image.
The background gives the headshot a sense of place and suggests it was taken from a boardroom or high level office. This works well as all these subtle elements enhance the corporate headshot.
This last sample above shows an executive headshot captured on location in London. This gives the headshot a ‘real’ quality and suggests an approachable and professional business person.
Making the photo black and white also strips any opulent colours away which might distract from the natural corporate headshot.
If you decide to commission a business headshot to help your online profile and your general marketing then we suggest you look at a few elements you can control prior to the shoot.
First suggestion is look at how you can subtly introduce your business sector into the headshot. Obvious options are corporate logo or reception signage but these can look less subtle and often look like PR photos for the local newspaper. Try have the business element out of focus and therefore recognisable but not too blatant.
The headshot above was for the director of a wine importing company and we used a painting in his boardroom as the background. This was very understated and we positioned the subject in a pose that allowed wine bottle to become a feature element of the portrait.
Second idea is that think about the personality of the executive who features in the headshot. Try and instil aspects of their business character and lifestyle in the image.
The lady below ran a successful company from her south London home and we photographed her on the balcony looking down a leafy London side street.
A third option is to look at the style of headshot. Look at how it should be composed and how the subject should be posed and what attire should they be wearing.
The gentlemen below ran a large data centre in north London and we felt the best place for the headshot was amongst his servers. We suggested it would look better if he did not have a jacket on as he was a technical expert about his business and the executive headshot showed he was often hands on in the workplace.
Final suggestion is to get creative and really go for it. In this instance you can give the headshot plenty of thought and create something memorable.
Once again you do not want it to look like a press release but more of a publicity portrait. Use props, interesting situations, different angles and pretty much most ideas will work if they are executed well and by a professional corporate photographer.
The person below photographed by us for The Sunday Times magazine and was being featured as he had worked out a mathematical formula for assisting pension funds. We utilised a perspex sheet and a marker pen and created this executive headshot in his London offices.
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