LinkedIn Profile Photo Tips & Ideas.
Why do I need a LinkedIn profile photo?
The first thing people will look at on your LinkedIn profile page will be your photo. This is not unique to LinkedIn it applies to any website or book that has photos or pictures in it. An image can convey information quicker than the written word, therefore the eye goes directly to them.
It is for this reason that if you do not upload your profile photo your page will look like it is missing something and this will make it look unprofessional.
What sort of profile photo is best for my LinkedIn page?
You need to have a profile photo that makes you look professional and approachable. It is a very good idea to invest some time and effort into getting the right look for your LinkedIn page. If it is within budget then hire a corporate portrait photographer. This will show you at your best as the photographer will have a high-quality portrait lens, soft studio lighting and a crisp white background.
Can I take my LinkedIn profile photo?
If you want to capture your own headshot then ask a friend to do it for you. Ask them to photograph you out of direct sunlight to avoid harsh shadows and squinting eyes. Use a plain uncluttered background. Selfies are not ideal as they can appear amateurish.
What should I be wearing?
What you choose to wear should be in line with your business sector. Make an effort but do not go over the top as you do not want your clothing to distract the viewer.
Where should I take my profile photo?
The first choice would be in an office environment. This will endorse that you are a business professional. Another option is to take your photo in the commercial part of a city. Have office buildings in the background. A plain wall with a neutral colour is always a safe option.
Can I use an old photo of me that I like?
Your LinkedIn profile photo needs to be as current as possible. Old holiday or family photos are not suitable for LinkedIn as they are not relevant to your business profile.
Can I use photo software to improve my profile photo?
Get the profile photo as good as possible when you take it. You can remove any minor imperfections like spots, blemishes or stains on clothing. Do not adjust any of your features or body shape as this can look misleading to anyone who knows you or meets you for the first time.
If you have any further questions or queries please email us.