How to commission a professional LinkedIn profile photo.

How to commission a professional LinkedIn profile photo. We know this sounds like an obvious statement, but you would be surprised as quite a few mistakes can happen. Our first suggestion is to make sure you source a professional corporate headshot photographer. Do not make the mistake of going to a professional photographer and thinking this will be OK. They might be great at interiors or capturing event photos, but this does not mean they will have all the skills and experience to supply you with a high-quality LinkedIn profile photo. You need to search for a professional corporate headshot photographer who has a decent portfolio of portraits that you like the look of. Get in touch with the photographer and explain that you need a new professional LinkedIn profile photo and what their charges will be. Do not judge the photographer on how much they charge; this can vary depending on where their London studio is based or if they bring their mobile studio set-up to your home or offices.

How to commission a professional LinkedIn profile photo. When you talk to the photographer before the day of the shoot, make sure you know what is involved. Ask your photographer to capture various profile photos with different stances and expressions. When you first stand in front of the camera and studio lights, you will feel a little intimidated, so you need to relax as the photographer chats with you and gives you instructions on how best to pose. Another essential aspect to talk to the professional corporate headshot photographer about is post-production and what is included. This can often be overlooked, but it is an integral part of the process of getting a quality LinkedIn profile photo. In post-production, skin blemishes can be removed, and hair problems can be rectified. Any specs of dust or dandruff can be dealt with, so ensure this is included in the commission’s fees.

If you have any further questions about how to commission a professional LinkedIn profile photo, please get in touch.

How to commission a professional LinkedIn profile photo.

How to commission a professional LinkedIn profile photo.

LinkedIn profile photos and what to avoid.

When it comes to LinkedIn profile photos and what to avoid, the number one is selfies. These are a really bad idea as they will make you look unprofessional on your LinkedIn profile page. Selfies are fine for your personal social media but should never be used for business social media, and we can not state this enough. Selfies do not look professional as you will be holding your arm up with your phone in your hand, and this creates an odd stance for your LinkedIn profile photo. Clients or potential employees looking at your LinkedIn profile page will see that you have used a selfie as your LinkedIn profile photo and, therefore, will rightfully assume that you do not take your LinkedIn profile seriously, and this will not create a good first impression. Your LinkedIn profile page is your business shopfront, so treat it with some respect, and do not cut corners by using a selfie!

The second thing to mention with LinkedIn profile photos and what to avoid is a friend with a new camera. You might know someone with a good DSLR who likes taking photos. Their landscapes or photos of their kids, etc, might be great, but this does not mean they can capture a quality LinkedIn profile photo. They will not have the correct portrait lens, studio lighting, or a colourama background. These things are all essential in creating a professional LinkedIn profile photo. Another thing to mention here is post-production. We work on retouching and editing clients LinkedIn profile photos every day. We know how to process a LinkedIn profile photo without it looking like it has been retouched. This is a manual process, and you must not automate it as if it looks like your LinkedIn profile photo has been retouched, then people will see through this, and this will make a bad first impression.

Lastly, regarding LinkedIn profile photos and what to avoid, if you are going to swallow the bullet and commission a corporate photographer to capture your LinkedIn profile photo, do not just go for the cheapest option. Search around to find a corporate headshot photographer you like. Look at their portfolio and ask for their last LinkedIn profile photo commission. This way, you will know exactly what you will have to upload to your LinkedIn profile page. If you need any further information, please get in touch.

LinkedIn profile photos and what to avoid.

LinkedIn profile photos and what to avoid.


Best cityscape background?

Best cityscape background? When we have clients wanting a cityscape background for their new LinkedIn profile photo we always make suggestions as to where is the best locations. Many clients want to show they work in The City or the West End and want to be photographed outside their buildings or offices. Our problem is that this does not depict a London location in a LinkedIn profile photo and looks like any other office building. We suggest they come out of the city so that we can photograph them looking back at the city from some distance so you can see the whole of The City in the background.

We have two locations where we would like to capture LinkedIn profile photos with a good cityscape background. The first is the Millennium Bridge. Although it is a busy bridge, and often this can be a challenge keeping other people out of the LinkedIn profile photo it has a superb view of St Pauls as the best cityscape background. We ask our clients to stand to the side of the bridge so we can frame St Pauls in the background. We ask them to hold onto the handrail so they are not moved, and we stand several meters in front of them, getting a range of LinkedIn profile photos so they have plenty of choice and the perfect London landmark in the background.

The second location is More London, which is situated on the south side of the River Thames. Here, you have great views of The City on the north side of the River Thames. This area is much less busy than the Millennium Bridge, and you can see that the whole area of The City has the best cityscape background. Below are two samples of both of our favourite cityscape backgrounds. And if you are in the market for a new LinkedIn profile photo, then please get in touch, and we can discuss your requirements.

Best cityscape background? St Pauls church.

Best cityscape background? St Pauls church.

Best cityscape background? The City.

Best cityscape background? The City.

Best colour to wear for LinkedIn profile photo?

What is the best colour to wear for LinkedIn profile photo? We are often asked this question regularly, and our reply depends on which business sector or industry you currently work in. We suggest to our clients that dark blue or black are always a safe bet as they are associated with competence, trust and reliability. These dark colours are also associated with The Royal Navy and the British Police Force, and therefore, when worn for a professional LinkedIn profile photo, they give the sense and look of professionalism. Another good choice would be dark grey. This colour will compliment any skin tone and match any hair colour or style.

You have to be very careful when wearing red. It is bold and can be worn with other colours but only as an accent colour; never wear it as a colour for an entire outfit. Red is OK if you work in a creative industry such as business social media, or marketing. Remember, red is the universal colour for danger. Hence, it’s not always a good idea to use your new corporate headshot to attract new business on your website or LinkedIn profile page.

A dark green outfit will send a sense of calm and a visual indicator of balance and growth.

What is the best colour to wear for a LinkedIn profile photo? You need to match the colour you wear with your profession and your character. If you are a serious person who works in the financial or legal sector, then go for dark colours like black and navy blue. If you are a bubbly person who works in marketing or social media, you can pep things up with brighter colours, such as greens and light blues.

If you want to wear patterns and textures, do not wear more than one at a time and always match them with a plain solid colour.

Please get in touch if you have any further questions about the best colour to wear for a LinkedIn profile photo.

Best colour to wear for LinkedIn profile photo?